Monday, July 29, 2019

Discusion Board Own Opinion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discusion Board Own Opinion - Essay Example From an idealism perspective you have some nations fighting for their religion, or they use their religion as a pretext for war. You have other nations fighting for resources. America has always maintained, in any conflict it was involved in that they fight for the right of all humans to be free. I think the question that should be asked is why is America the only country that thinks it knows how to define freedom? Roosevelt was lucky, if you can call it that, that America’s economy lifted at a time when his policies of higher taxes and more jobs were stripping the country of any leisure spending. In his case the tax payers didn’t have a choice – they either paid taxes to pay for welfare programs, or to put people into work which amounted to the same thing. Obama, despite saying that he wants to follow FDR seems to think he can do the same thing but in a â€Å"different† way. The debate isn’t so much that Obama or FDR were right or wrong, but rather what system if any has ever been right. Economists say now that less than 5% of the population of America have 40% of the wealth. The rich-poor divide just keeps getting bigger and is now being seen on a global scale. But while there is still only two major parties in any democratic government voters only have two choices – left or right. Obama’s attempt to put himself in the middle is likely to backfire because when you are sitting in the middle you can get blasted from both sides. How is America’s current relationship with developing countries different from America’s relationship with the third world during the cold war? Is it different at all? What issues divide America and developing countries today? During the cold war America had a very clear policy about right and wrong – you were either a communist loving country, or you weren’t and America was helpful to any country that could show they were not allied with

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